Cognitech, Inc. Announces the Fall 2013 Forensic Video and Photogrammetry Certification Training Course

Cognitech, Inc. Announces the Fall 2013 Forensic Video and Photogrammetry Certification Training Course


Pasadena, CA, —June 25, 2013—Cognitech, Inc. has announced the Fall 2013 Training and Certification Course on Forensic Video Processing and Forensic Photo/Video Grammetry for Cognitech’s end-users . The training course will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center, in Pasadena, CA, on October 21-October 25, 2013. The week-long intensive Forensic Video Certification Training Course is for end-users of Cognitech’s comprehensive forensic video Tri-Suite software and bespoke systems in addition to Cognitech’s designed and manufactured hardware cards and boards, which are uniquely capable of true forensic video acquisition.


Cognitech’s Forensic Video-Audio Tri-Suite software system is comprised of three interoperable, comprehensive software tool sets: the Video Investigator® software, the VideoActive® software and the forensic photo/video grammetry AutoMeasure™ software.  Cognitech’s Video Investigator is the most comprehensive forensic video/image processing software environment in the world. It has over one hundred proprietary designed, user friendly plug-ins and modules that enhance, denoise, remove blur, super-resolve, stabilize and stitch panoramic images of forensic video evidence (e.g. faces, license plates, and vehicles). Cognitech’s U.S. patented VideoActive software is the Real-Time video pipelining software that includes the first fully automatic real-time universal de-multiplexing software, the real-time object tracking and real-time universal DVR capture with the US Patented Video Zipper encoding that at least doubles the video storage.  Cognitech’s AutoMeasure software is the world’s first automatic forensic photogrammetry software that allows the user to perform accurate bio-metric measurements of the dimensions of a person (e.g. human body measurements), as well as crime scene measurements and geo-spatial crime scene analysis, which is only available in Cognitech’s software.


As Cognitech’s software and hardware tools scientifically advance and the user-capability evolves so does the training course. The new training elements will include lossless compact acquisition of the digitally recorded HD-DVI/HDMI/SD/VGA video and associated audio with a single integrated CogniUniversal acquisition hardware board. There is no single piece of hardware on the market that can acquire forensically sound, with more video formats under more encoding scenarios than this breakthrough, forensically-dedicated proprietary Cognitech hardware. The participants of the April 2013 Training Course will be the first to be exposed to the recently integrated audio capabilities which enable simultaneous video and audio evidence operations. One of the technological innovation highlights will be Cognitech’s FACE-3DTM Fusion-Super-resolution tool set that reconstructs human facial images in full 3D and brings minute facial details from low resolution surveillance cameras.


Cognitech, Inc. CEO Dr. Lenny Rudin said, in regards to the Cognitech Forensic Video and Photogrammetry Certification Training Course: “Our scientists and engineers work tirelessly on solving new problems and pushing the envelope of what is forensically possible. Therefore, our Training Course is constantly being improved and updated with the latest capabilities like the latest breakthrough, which is called the Cognitech FACE-3DTM Fusion-Super-resolution. It enables end-users of Cognitech’s forensic video Tri-Suite to handle new forensic video cases that were previously unattainable by anyone, as well as re-open some prior unsolved criminal investigations. Our course structure assures that each qualified student acquires the advanced practical image processing skills that are needed in order to handle challenging forensic video work cases seen in the real-world, when they are back to their forensic labs and police departments.”


About Cognitech, Inc.:


In 1988, Cognitech, Inc. was the first company that designed and developed the unique Video Investigator® hardware and software products for professional forensic CCTV video applications and fast accurate Crime Scene measurements. The recent scientific breakthroughs of Cognitech’s research team, and multiple USPTO Awards, proves that a quarter of a century later, Cognitech is still the true leader in the forensic image/video processing and crime scene measurements field. The uniquely comprehensive design of Cognitech’s forensic software combines the state of the art image/video/audio processing with the state of the art 3D image analysis, all-in-one, thus making this software environment a tool of choice for Law Enforcement and Security professionals worldwide.