Reporting Issues
If you are facing an issue with your software or hardware product from Cognitech, Inc. Please use the form below to report it. It is important you provide as much information as possible in order for us to best assist you. When describing your issue please list what specific process you were using when you encountered an error. In addition, let us know if this is a reoccurring issue or if the issue happens randomly. If the problem occurs with a specific file, please include that file in the designated form field below. If file is too large (over 1 MB). If you are unable to include the file due to security or privacy concerns, please upload a similar file that does not contain private or secure data.
NOTE: Issues reported for My Cognitech Cloud, TriSuite, or other software products must include a problem steps recording of your issue. If you need instructions on using PSR (Problem Steps Recorder) please download PDF instructions here.