Cognitech: Your Reliable Source for Video Enhancement

When it comes to studying, assessing, and improving video evidence, Cognitech is your trusted partner. As video forensic experts, we employ various procedures and methods to enhance and analyze video evidence, including 911 audio and film from security, surveillance, and cell phone cameras.

video evidence,

State-of-the-Art Technology for Video Enhancement and Analysis

The first two steps in the process involve receiving the evidence and maintaining the chain of custody, also known as the chain of evidence. Once the original proof is uploaded to our servers, we copy the video evidence in a format suitable for analysis and enhancement. This allows us to safeguard the original data while creating a new version for editing and clarity during the investigation. Our video forensic experts carefully examine and analyze the video evidence, looking for various factors such as the video’s dimensions and resolution, evidence of conversion or compression from the original video format, editing or adulteration proof, video frame rate, codec, and other crucial information, as well as metadata or Exit data analysis.

Determining Enhancement Techniques

The type of forensic video enhancement that may be helpful and feasible for the case is determined by our forensic professionals, taking into consideration variables such as the equipment used to record the videos, quality of security cameras or digital cameras, camera or DVR settings at the time of the incident, resolution of the recorded image, quality of camera lenses, lighting circumstances, camera’s night vision capabilities, camera position, angle of the camera, distance from the action, and video export and compression.

Forensic specialists have informed the client of the suggested improvements and applied case-specific enhancing techniques using cutting-edge hardware and software. These techniques may include increasing the size of or zooming in on specific areas of the video, examining shadows or reflections to identify motion, changing the speed or slowness of the footage, measuring object speed, object height, and human movement, modifying the video’s color, contrast, or other aspects to make it easier to view what is going on, removing distortion or artifacts from the video, combining various camera perspectives of the same occurrence into a single viewable video, combining multiple camera angles to create a compelling sequence of events, adding a timer to distinguish between individual frames, tracking individuals, vehicles, or objects over time using various surveillance systems and cameras, displaying the interval between different events in a video, and recognizing people who use firearms, weapons, or other frightening behaviors in videos.

Once the video enhancement process is complete, all upgraded videos are exported in a format that can be played on any device and given a new name to indicate an improved version of the original video. The enhanced video can be played on any computer, tablet, or smartphone, ensuring excellent quality and sound for easy viewing and analysis.

Choose Cognitech as your dependable source for all your video enhancement and demonstrative evidence needs. Our experienced forensic experts utilize state-of-the-art technology and techniques to enhance video evidence, providing valuable insights and clarity for your case.

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