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This blog topic aims to enumerate the technological advancement in Cognitech Video Active software achieved since its introduction in the early 2000’s as the first-ever Real-Time Forensic Video Processing software, and the US Patented technological advances from its inception to now. There are many unique features that have been developed, which makes it one of the most preferred Real-Time Modular software for Video Forensics applications.
- Modular Interface for Video Forensics
Cognitech’s VideoActive’s revolutionary modular design at its inception, allows the end-user to choose a pre-defined configuration or user-defined signal processing chain resulting in developing a best-in-class Reconfigurable Work Flow in Forensic Video analysis software. Also, this can be easily combined to produce a user-defined processing pipeline from live sources, remote Cloud streaming storage or locally stored files, all in real-time.
- Patented Compact Lossless Video Capture
Video Capture is obviously the basic Real-Time task that comes to mind. It was clear from our start in 1988 that the task of digital video acquisition for the subsequent Forensic Video Enhancement had to satisfy the Lossless capture condition to be used as video enhancement software with no compression artifacts. There were only a few very expensive hardware solutions at the time to achieve this condition. The problem was the data transfer rate bandwidth. We roughly needed 20 Mb/sec data to be transferred to a hard disc. But at the time, only expensive RAM could sustain such speeds, and RAM size could fit at most only a few minutes of uncompressed video.
Cognitech’s revolutionary Solution: VideoActive software that provides real-time lossless capture with US Patented VideoZip Encoding: “Lossless video data compressor with very high data rate” Cognitech’s US Patent # 95258
Not only we were then able to use inexpensive video capturing hardware ( which we designed) to capture video directly to the hard disc, but we also achieved great savings by occupying only half or less of pricy hard disc space by using a clever Cognitech patented method to Compact bytes of digital video into smaller Encoded Units. All of that is done in Real-Time, with no need for data buffering into large RAM or lossy compression. The more things change, the more the same problems surface. Today, the hard disc space cost is much cheaper than it was ten-twenty years ago. However, the lossless video storage size needs to be grown even faster with 4K+ video, massive video data streams. Cognitech continues to innovate its Lossless Video Encoding technology and more US Patents were awarded or are in a pipeline ( we will have it covered in some future Blog topic). The more sophisticated and computationally complex our data Encoding algorithms become, the more computationally advanced the Cognitech Video Active software has become. That includes the latest advances in parallel computing taking advantage of multi-GPU graphics cards and redesigning our Patented algorithms to take advantage of these parallel architecture. That is what makes Cognitech technology and its unique in this field top Caltech Ph.D. team stand out: No off-the-shelf algorithms as used by the competition.
Empowering video enhancement software with the latest computer science advances in parallel GPU computing makes end-users, Super-Users.
Talk with experts for Forensic Video Processing Software and Forensic Image Processing Software solutions. Contact Cognitech!
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